A Brief History of Yurts

Yurts originated among nomadic groups in the steppes of central Asia, with coverings made of animal skins or felt. The structure goes back multiple millennia: Yurt (in the Turkic language), ger in Mongolian, and the Russian yurta have at least a 3,000-year history.

  • Ancient history: Greek historian Herodotus is credited with the first written account of a yurt in the fifth century B.C.E. In book four of Historia, he mentioned the tent-like dwellings of the Scythians—a nomadic people of the central Asian steppes who traveled with their belongings on wagons.

  • A nomadic heritage: In addition to Mongolia, the yurt has a long history among nomadic groups in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan. The traditional decoration of these yurts is specific to the cultural heritage of each nation, with cultural symbols like mythic beasts, elements, and geometric patterns. The yurt’s crown is a highly decorated piece that was passed down in families from central Asian cultures.

  • Yurts in Western culture: William Copperthwaite introduced yurts to the United States in the 1960s. Pacific Yurts, the first company to start constructing yurts in North America, was established in 1978 and helped establish yurts as an alternative to tents and for glamping enthusiasts.

  • DIY yurts: Although yurts are built as more permanent structures these days, you can buy a yurt kit to construct it yourself. Yurt construction tutorials are available online, and many companies sell yurt kits.

Although North American yurts and modern Mongolian ger use modern materials like aircraft cables and waterproof vinyl canvases, the general structure of yurts remains the same as those nomads made thousands of years ago. Yurt construction was named an Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2013 by UNESCO.


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